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J12 (5-12 YRS)

To effectively shape a generation we must be aware of the challenges young people face, how and why they are a target in society now more than ever, and what happens developmentally in the tween age and how this affects their future.

In our J12 ministry (Jesus at 12) we aim our focus at students from ages 5-12. We are not interested in simply growing children, but fashioning and equipping a unique and powerful generation to rise up and take their God appointed place in the history of our nation and the world! 

Shane Parker

J12 Director


Our nursery workers focus on kids 0-4 years of age and are highly trained and excited about spending time with your little ones! Even at this tender age our nursery staff workers are intentional to pray over every child and to teach them the foundations of our beliefs through age appropriate activities and bible stories. Our nursery strongly believes that even at this young age, children are able to grasp the simple concept of God's love for them! 

Brittany Phalen

Nursery Directory



The Lighthouse Creative Team is in charge of everything creative! From photography and videography, to stage decor and lighting, the creative team minds are behind it. The focus of the Creative Team is to create visual excellence in the church, continuity in theme, and create an environment of distraction free praise and worship. Whether you’re a beginner, a pro or just willing to help, we would love to get you connected! 

Dominick Scott

Creative Director


Just some things that the Lighthouse Tech Team is responsible for are making sure stage mics, speakers, and wires are all connected and working properly. In addition, Tech also controls slides during sermons and makes sure videos play when queued. Working closely with the Creative Team, Tech also helps with the technical sides of making sure the church website is operational, and working out issues such as file extentions with slides!

Stephen Phalen

Tech Director


Greeters, Ushers, and Hospitality volunteers all make up the Experience Team at Lighthouse! The goal of the experience team is to cultivate an environment of reverence and honor unto God, and also one that communicates just how much God loves His people! Just by greeting someone with a smile, serving them coffee, or ushering them to their seat can change the course of someone who may be having a bad day. The Experience Team wants to reflect the love of God unto his people!

Daniel Murillo

Experience Team Director

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